
The Finance Committee reports on the chapter's financial status and allocates the chapter's budget to different causes.

Salem DSA's elected Treasurer generally serves as a chair of the Finance Committee where they often release funds to other branches and committees of our chapter that have requested financial support.

Motions brough forth at Salem DSA General Chapter Meetings can sometimes have a price tag attached if they require money for printing, tabling, or room reservations so a lot of the debate over the amount of money needed to carry out an action is done as a chapter before it is brought to Finance. This ensures that the Finance Committee doesn't have more power than the chapter membership when it comes to handling money.

Committee operations and other reoccurring expenses are drafted into a budget that has already been crafted by our Finance Committee so that we know well ahead of time what our limits are financially. The budget that decides how much each committee gets is debated, amended, and approved by chapter membership before finally being adopted.

Vital committees such as Finance ensure that the rest of our organization can keep moving forward without running into logistical roadblocks, if anyone is looking to get involved with our committee please reach out out to get connected.