Working Groups

Working Groups are organized on behalf of our chapter's membership and they don't receive any funding from our budget unless a request for funds is voted on and passed by majority vote.

Labor Working Group - studies and educates about labor issues, while providing solidarity and support to the local labor movement.

Political Education Working Group - engages the whole chapter in our own political education process, so that we can act more effectively as an organization towards the goal of building a working-class path to power.

Say Gay Working Group - organizes events for our LGBTQ+ allies and members while also uniting local leftist organizations throughout Salem.

Social Events Working Group - schedules social gatherings for chapter members, their families, and leftist community members who to become involved.

Socialist Feminism Working Group - educates on the significance of women in socialist movements and helps maintain an inclusive environment for women within our chapter.

International Solidarity Working Group - aims to build a mass movement based in working class power to combat the system that allows capitalists and politicians to promote war and suffering across the globe.